“Fall” Into Alignment: Chiropractic Tips for the Season

Now that we’ve entered the fall season, here are several tips and suggestions from Kneaded Care’s chiropractor, Dr. Lee, to help you maintain good spinal health and overall well-being:

  • Stay Active: With the temperature and barometric changes now that we have entered fall, individuals can be discouraged from maintaining their daily activities. Keep in mind the slogan “motion is lotion” is key, as we are still encouraged to continue regular physical activities, such as going to the gym, yoga, indoor cycling, and recreational sports. Challenge yourself to at least one hour/day to complete these tasks!

  • Warm-Up Properly: Your body has to be prepared for any form of activity that you are about to perform. With due diligence, let’s ensure that you are doing your warm-up, in the form of a stretch, quick cardio, or method of your choice, so that your body is fully ready to perform, avoiding any risk of injuries, like muscle strains and sprains.

  • Mind Your Posture: Sometimes when we are so focused on the task at hand, we often forget about how our posture changes over time. Whether it be desk work or heavy labour, it is essential that we continue to switch positions, even for a few minutes, so that we are helping to avoid risk of the spine undergoing “creep”, meaning that it will likely predispose you to injury.

  • Rake Leaves Safely: Break it into increments! Don’t think that you have to do it all in one go and when you are raking, be sure to keep a neutral spine, bend at the knees and switch your stances frequently to avoid repetitive strain injuries. Ask a friend to help if you feel you are overworking your body!

  • Lift Carefully: Lifting and bending movements frequently contribute to repetitive strain injuries to your lower back. Ensure that when lifting those heavy leaf bags you position yourself with a neutral spine, brace your core, keep the bag close to your body, and involve the lower extremities when lifting.

  • Stay Hydrated: Fluids exist in joint and disc spaces in our bodies to keep them hydrated to ensure that the segmental motions are moving in a coherent manner so no problems are created. Pumpkin spice lattes don’t count either!

  • Watch Your Footwear: Choose appropriate footwear for the season, especially if you're walking on wet leaves or slippery surfaces. Shoes with good traction can help prevent slips and falls that could lead to spinal injuries.

  • Manage Stress: Fall is a busy time with the kids back to school and the approach of the holiday season. Chronic stress can contribute to muscle tension and discomfort, where one may feel unable to feel relaxed. Practice stress-reduction techniques to help keep stress levels in check. Deep breathing techniques, meditation, and going for nature walks are all great options for this.

  • Invest in Ergonomics: If you work from home or spend long hours at a desk, ensure your workspace is ergonomically set up to ensure you are not unnecessarily putting your body at risk for injury. An ergonomic chair and an adjustable desk can make a significant difference in your comfort and longevity of your spinal health.

  • Schedule Regular Chiropractic Check-ups: Get yourself scheduled for regular chiropractic follow-ups to ensure your spine is maintaining its good health, and also to address any minor issues before they become more significant problems. Remember, the spine is not the only joint in the human body- shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and even the jaw are all areas that a chiropractor can assess, diagnose, and treat!

Remember that these tips are general recommendations, and it's essential to consult with your chiropractor or healthcare professional for personalized advice based on your specific needs and health conditions. Get yourself booked now! 

-Dr. Lee, Chiropractor


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